To do this I had to put a layer of painters tape down on the printout as pulling tape off paper shreds the paper. I used the templates and an exact knife to cut out some of the shapes, including the squiggle and a ton of the back wear. This made it much easier than the last time I built a Frankenstrat.

Since they wrap around the body if you don't get the angle just right it's impossible to get the next stripe to align properly. Then after sealing and painting black I propped it up and projected a template on it.Īnd outlined where the main stripes go in pencil. Let me know if you see anything that needs adjustment! I borrowed a projector from work to map out the main shapes and make the taping process easier, and it really helped! I think I’m just about done masking the black layer, so I figured now would be a good time to post progress picks and get extra sets of eyes on it. Tread with caution if you’re thinking about staining your body and make sure all your products are compatible. Hopefully no other problems present themselves. It was too late for me to abort mission, and I did have a slight issue with the black adhering in a few spots, but I’ve fixed it since then. *turnbuckle has got some expertise in the woodworking/finish field and he alerted me to the fact that the stain I was using could cause issues with the lacquer sealer and paints I was using. So far I’ve done two applications of grain filler, an application of stain* (to faux-age the wood), two applications of sanding sealer, the black layer, and now I’m applying tape. I basically didn’t touch the project until about 3 weeks ago. I got the body for Christmas and have been picking up random parts here and there. I’m using a Locke body, (eventually) a Musikraft neck, and I’m planning on a Pariah pickup. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna replicate as it was in '84-'85, in the Jump music video and the Guitar World photo shoot.

Inspired by some of the amazing builds on here and the Frankenstrat Facebook group, I’m giving it another go. I built one in 2011, wasn't happy with the paint job, but it played and sounded so good my buddy forced me to sell it to him. Some time last year I decided I needed a Frankenstrat again.